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Live the Dream is a literate Harry Potter RPG. It takes place after the war and the death of Voldemort. Hogwarts has been through the necessary repairs, and is once again accepting new young witches and wizards, providing new and old classes for all.
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Subject: Bedroom & Bathroom Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:20 pm
Desdemona's bedroom is black and red with a large four-poster bed with maroon hangings, a red carpet, and black sheets. The ceiling is bewitched like Hogwarts' and takes on the appearance of the sky outside and when night falls, there are big, velvety curtains that Desdemona can draw as she lights candles and incense and gets ready for the night. It is connected to a grand bathroom with a hot tub-sized bath and black-and-red granite countertops. Desdemona only settles for the highest quality and prides herself in how visually appealing her house is.